
Showing posts from July, 2020

Prayer of David (God answers prayer - Session 2)

Welcome to the second session of the series " GOD ANSWERS PRAYER " In this session we are going to see a well known story of David and Goliath. However we will see it from the perspective of how David always had a praying relation with God and how that gave him the confidence to face "bigger than life" enemies. Prayer makes us connect with God and have the assurance of his presence with us always. So lets get started! The Bible portion is taken from  1 Samuel 17 Once you read the above bible portion, get ready for a story session , a short summary of what you read in the bible. Smaller kids could watch this video Young children and teens could checkout this for some more facts and figures from the bible:  So now that you have read the bible, and listened to the video, you would have a clear understanding of the story. Shall we now do some activities based on this story? Here is a Quiz for you! Click on the link below to access the quiz ! For teens, I believe t...

Prayer of Gideon (God answers prayer - Session 1)

Hello and welcome to the first session in the series " GOD ANSWERS PRAYER " In this session, we will look into the story of Gideon from the old testament. Gideon is an interesting character from the bible, he was one of the Judges of Israel. In this session we will learn how he was used by God in saving his people from their enemies, the Midianites. When God called Gideon to this task, he was not so confident and doubted if God was really calling him for such a  big task. He prayed and God answered him and this gave him the confidence to go forward. The bible portion is taken from   Judges 6:1-7:22 Here is a video of the story, a small kids version is here .  older children and teens could benefit from a more detailed account in this video. So now that you have read the bible, and listened to the video, you would have a clear understanding of the story. Shall we now do some activities based on this story? Here is a Quiz for you! Click on the link below to access t...