
Leadership principle - Behave wisely

I have a simple activity for you. It would be great if we did it face to face, but let's not let the distance spoil the fun. Follow the steps below: Step 1: Pull out your bible/bible app. Step 2: Read 1 Samuel 18. Read it fully, don't move to the next steps without completing this. Step 3: Take a pencil, and underline every time you see the word "wise" or "wisely". What did you notice? Let's go over this together: 1 Samuel 18:5 So  David went out wherever Saul sent him ,  and   behaved wisely . And Saul set him over the men of war, and he was accepted in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul’s servants. David took up challenging tasks or work items his boss gave him. And he accomplished them with Godly wisdom. Essentially, he didn't fool around, though he knew he was the anointed of the Lord. That made his boss recognize and give him greater responsibility. 1 Samuel 18:8 Then  Saul was very angry , and the saying displeased him; a...

Burning the Midnight Oil

  Exodus 27 : 20,21 “Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning. In the tent of meeting, outside the curtain that shields the ark of the covenant law, Aaron and his sons are to keep the lamps burning before the Lord from evening till morning.  " In this competitive world there is always so much to study and deadlines to meet. Many of you are burning the midnight oil to complete your projects, prepare for exams, etc. But let me draw your attention to a new kind of oil God talked about to his chosen people, Israel. In the book of Exodus, chapters 26-30 God gives precise instructions to Moses to build a tabernacle, where God will dwell among his people. One particular article drew my attention. It is the golden lampstand. God had asked Moses to instruct Aaron and his sons to keep this lamp burning before the Lord from evening till morning. In order for these lamps to burn, they needed oil. Aaron and his sons...

Leadership Principle - Authority

 Taking on the Mantle of Authority Each of us is eager to grow in our career, climb to the top and make it big. These are good goals to have. However, it also demands that we take charge when we are given the opportunity, and take on the mantle of authority. Let us learn about the principle of "Authority"  from the Bible. In the book of 2 Kings we read about Elijah a great prophet. After a stellar track record, its time for him to handover the leadership to his disciple Elisha. Elisha is keenly following Elijah and serving him faithfully till the very end. On the fateful day when Elijah was taken by the Lord in a chariot of fire rising to the clouds, Elisha looks in awe at his master / predecessor being taken up and sees the "Mantle" of Elijah fall from above. As he picks it up and he is overwhelmed with the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders.  Often we see ourselves praying and waiting for a position or role in an organization or ministry. We think that ...

Leadership Principle - Delegate

  Leadership is challenging for most of us and we often wish we can have guidance on leadership principles, practical advice, mentor-ship, or tit-bits to help us gain experience in leadership. The greatest management principles are often got from the Bible (the grand old book). Biblical leadership is a fail proof way for a blessed and successful career. Let us see one instance of such a principle "Delegate". Every good leader becomes one when they polish their ability to "Delegate" and "Empower" others and not amass power for themselves. Lets learn a little about this principle of "Delegation" from the Bible. Most of you will be aware of Moses, one of the great leaders in Biblical times. He was chosen by God to lead the people of Israel out their captivity in Egypt into the promised land. He successfully did that and led the people out of Egypt. But being a sought after leader marching forward with a multitude following him and ex...

Prayer of David (God answers prayer - Session 2)

Welcome to the second session of the series " GOD ANSWERS PRAYER " In this session we are going to see a well known story of David and Goliath. However we will see it from the perspective of how David always had a praying relation with God and how that gave him the confidence to face "bigger than life" enemies. Prayer makes us connect with God and have the assurance of his presence with us always. So lets get started! The Bible portion is taken from  1 Samuel 17 Once you read the above bible portion, get ready for a story session , a short summary of what you read in the bible. Smaller kids could watch this video Young children and teens could checkout this for some more facts and figures from the bible:  So now that you have read the bible, and listened to the video, you would have a clear understanding of the story. Shall we now do some activities based on this story? Here is a Quiz for you! Click on the link below to access the quiz ! For teens, I believe t...

Prayer of Gideon (God answers prayer - Session 1)

Hello and welcome to the first session in the series " GOD ANSWERS PRAYER " In this session, we will look into the story of Gideon from the old testament. Gideon is an interesting character from the bible, he was one of the Judges of Israel. In this session we will learn how he was used by God in saving his people from their enemies, the Midianites. When God called Gideon to this task, he was not so confident and doubted if God was really calling him for such a  big task. He prayed and God answered him and this gave him the confidence to go forward. The bible portion is taken from   Judges 6:1-7:22 Here is a video of the story, a small kids version is here .  older children and teens could benefit from a more detailed account in this video. So now that you have read the bible, and listened to the video, you would have a clear understanding of the story. Shall we now do some activities based on this story? Here is a Quiz for you! Click on the link below to access t...

God Answers Prayers

Today we begin a series of blogs on the theme "God Answers Prayer" Prayers are our connect with God. But many questions may pop-up in our minds regarding prayer: 1. Why should I pray? 2. Does God answer prayers, he must be pretty busy, so does my prayer count? 3. Sometimes I wait so long for answers, is something wrong?  So to find answers for all such questions, our best source is to look into the bible, so we will do exactly that and seek to answer these doubts and questions. In this series we will learn about the prayers of many people from the bible and how it has impacted their lives and the people around them.  Prayer is a powerful weapon in the Kingdom of God. So as we start this series I leave you with a theme song: